Saturday, October 06, 2007
some photos from yesterday (:
posing with the letter "A" for Arvin. :D randomly chosen letter.
in the car (: that metallic bluish car.
and here's the gingerbreadman chuanli gave me (: it looks seriously cute and it tastes nice too (: and check out its biggy eyeballs too.!! :D cute to the max. the eyeballs are the biscuits i bought from opposite school. waha! :p
oh. and mr gingerbreadman and his missing friend. :D chuanli drew the outline of it. and tada!! (: looks like some crime scene..... the missing gingerbreadman.
oh. and arent these cute?? x) jelly babies that's what they're called.. rodney gave me 4of them outta his whole bottle.. thanks rodney!!!! (: apparently they osmosized a little on the way home since i brought them home in my little "watering can" :D and i tink the blue one's having a little problem with its osmosis system. its not as big as the other three!!!! ): argh. btw, they actually glow in water. cool eh!!! :p

oh and we had our TJC openhouse today. haha x) and eugenia and a few other badminton girls dropped by tj as well (: and thanks to them i got to play badminton too!!! :D missed playing that. even though i had to use lousy rackets. but oh well!! i had my little bit of fun. right kenneth?? xD whee
*throbs @00:53 <3
There .
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